Well, it turns out that we do have something just like that: our gut, or rather, its
microbes. But it's not just the microbes in our gut that are important. Microbes all over
our body turn out to be really critical to a whole range of differences that make
different people who we are. So for example, have you ever noticed how some people
get bitten by mosquitos way more often than others?
It turns out that everyone's anecdotal experience out camping is
actually true. For example, I seldom get bitten by mosquitos, but my partner
Amanda attracts them in droves, and the reason why is that we have different microbes on our
skin that produce different chemicals that the mosquitos detect.
Now, microbes are also really important in the field of
medicine. So, for example, what microbes you have in your gut determine whether
particular painkillers are toxic to your liver. They also
determine whether or not other drugs will work for your heart condition. And, if you're a
fruit fly, at least, your microbes determine who you want to have sex with. We haven't
demonstrated this in humans yet but maybe it's just a matter of time before we find out.
So microbes are performing a huge range of functions. They help us
digest our food. They help educate our immune system. They help us
resist disease, and they may even be affecting our behavior. So what would a
map of all these microbial communities look like? Well, it wouldn't
look exactly like this, but it's a helpful guide for understanding biodiversity. Different parts of
the world have different landscapes of organisms that are
immediately characteristic of one place or another or another. With microbiology,
it's kind of the same, although I've got to be honest with you: All the microbes
essentially look the same under a microscope. So instead of trying
to identify them visually, what we do is we look at their DNA sequences, and in a project
called the Human Microbiome Project, NIH funded this
$173 million projectwhere hundreds of researchers came together to map out all the
A's, T's, G's, and C's, and all of these microbes in the human body. So when we take
them together, they look like this. It's a bit more
difficult to tell who lives where now, isn't it?
What my lab does is develop computational techniques that allow
us to take all these terabytes of sequence data and turn them into
something that's a bit more useful as a map, and so when we do
that with the human microbiome data from 250 healthy
volunteers, it looks like this. Each point here
represents all the complex microbes in an entire
microbial community. See, I told you they basically all look the same. So what we're
looking at is each point represents one microbial community from one body site
of one healthy volunteer. And so you can see that there's different parts of the map in
different colors, almost like separate continents. And what it turns
out to be is that those, as the different regions of the body, have very
different microbes in them. So what we have is we have the oral community up there in green. Over on the other
side, we have the skin community in blue, the vaginal
community in purple, and then right down at the bottom, we have the fecal community
in brown. And we've just over the last few years found out that the
microbes in different parts of the body are amazingly
different from one another. So if I look at just one person's microbes in the mouth and
in the gut, it turns out that the difference between those two microbial
communities is enormous. It's bigger than the difference between the microbes in this
reef and the microbes in this prairie. So this is
incredible when you think about it. What it means is
that a few feet of difference in the human body makes more of a
difference to your microbial ecology than hundreds of
miles on Earth.
And this is not to say that two people look basically the same in the same body
habitat, either. So you probably heard that we're pretty
much all the same in terms of our human DNA. You're 99.99
percent identical in terms of your human DNA to the person
sitting next to you. But that's not true of your gut microbes: you might only
share 10 percent similarity with the person sitting next to you in terms of your gut
microbes. So that's as different as the bacteria on this prairie and the bacteria
in this forest.
5:15So these different microbes have
all these different kinds of functions that I told you about, everything
from digesting food to involvement in different kinds of diseases, metabolizing
drugs, and so forth. So how do they do all this stuff? Well,
in part it's because although there's just three pounds of those
microbes in our gut, they really outnumber us. And
so how much do they outnumber us? Well, it depends on what you think of as our
bodies. Is it our cells? Well,
each of us consists of about 10 trillion human cells, but
we harbor as many as 100 trillion microbial cells. So
they outnumber us 10 to one.Now, you might think, well, we're human because of
our DNA, but it turns out that each of us has about 20,000
human genes, depending on what you count exactly, but
as many as two million to 20 million microbial genes. So
whichever way we look at it, we're vastly outnumbered by
our microbial symbionts.And it turns out that in addition to traces of our
human DNA, we also leave traces of our microbial DNAon
everything we touch. We showed in a study a few years ago that
you can actually match the palm of someone's hand up to
the computer mouse that they use routinely with
up to 95 percent accuracy. So this came out in a scientific journal a few
years ago, but more importantly, it was featured on
"CSI: Miami," so you really know it's true.
So where do our microbes come from in the first place? Well if, as I do,
you have dogs or kids, you probably have some dark suspicions about that, all of which are
true, by the way. So just like we can match you to your computer equipment by the microbes
you share, we can also match you up to your dog. But it turns out
that in adults, microbial communities are relatively stable, so even if you
live together with someone, you'll maintain your separate microbial identity over a period of
weeks, months, even years.
It turns out that our first microbial communities depend a lot on
how we're born. So babies that come out the regular way, all of their
microbes are basically like the vaginal community, whereas babies
that are delivered by C-section, all of their
microbes instead look like skin. And this might be
associated with some of the differences in health
associated with Cesarean birth, such as more asthma, more allergies, even more obesity, all of which have
been linked to microbes now, and when you think about it, until recently, every surviving
mammal had been delivered by the birth canal, and so the lack of
those protective microbes that we've co-evolved with might be really important for a lot of these
different conditions that we now know involve the microbiome.
When my own daughter was born a couple of years
ago by emergency C-section, we
took matters into our own hands and made sure she was coated with those vaginal
microbes that she would have gotten naturally. Now,
it's really difficult to tell whether this has had an effect on
her health specifically, right?With a sample size of just one child, no matter
how much we love her, you don't really have enough of a sample size to
figure out what happens on average, but at two years old, she hasn't had an ear
infection yet, so we're keeping our fingers crossed on that one. And
what's more, we're starting to do clinical trials with more children to
figure out whether this has a protective effect generally.
So how we're born has a tremendous effect on what microbes we
have initially, but where do we go after that? What I'm showing
you again here is this map of the Human Microbiome Project Data, so each point
represents a sample from one body site from one of 250
healthy adults. And you've seen children develop physically. You've seen them
develop mentally. Now, for the first time, you're going to see one of my
colleague's children develop microbially. So what we are
going to look at is we're going to look at this one baby's stool, the fecal
community, which represents the gut, sampled every week
for almost two and a half years. And so we're
starting on day one. What's going to happen is that the infant is going to start off
as this yellow dot, and you can see that he's starting off basically in the vaginal
community, as we would expect from his delivery mode. And what's going
to happen over these two and a half years is that he's going
to travel all the way down to resemble the adult fecal community from healthy volunteers
down at the bottom. So I'm just going to start this going and we'll see how that
What you can see, and remember each step in this is just one
week, what you can see is that week to week, the change in the
microbial community of the feces of this one child, the differences
week to week are much greater than the differences between individual healthy adults in the Human
Microbiome Project cohort, which are those brown dots down at the bottom. And you can see
he's starting to approach the adult fecal community. This is up to
about two years. But something amazing is about to happen here. So he's getting
antibiotics for an ear infection. What you can see
is this huge change in the community, followed by a
relatively rapid recovery. I'll just rewind that for you. And what we can
see is that just over these few weeks, we have a much
more radical change, a setback of many months of normal development, followed by a
relatively rapid recovery, and by the time he reaches day 838, which is the end
of this video, you can see that he has essentially reached the healthy adult
stool community, despite that antibiotic intervention.
So this is really interesting because it raises fundamental
questions about what happens when we intervene at different ages in a
child's life. So does what we do early on, where the microbiome is changing so
rapidly, actually matter, or is it like throwing a stone into a stormy sea, where the ripples
will just be lost? Well, fascinatingly, it turns out that if you give children
antibiotics in the first six months of life, they're more
likely to become obese later on than if they don't get antibiotics then or only get them later, and so what we do
early on may have profound impacts on the gut
microbial community and on later health that we're only
beginning to understand. So this is fascinating, because one day, in addition to the
effects that antibiotics have on antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which are very
important,they may also be degrading our gut microbial ecosystems, and so one day we
may come to regard antibiotics with the same horror that we currently
reserve for those metal tools that the Egyptians used to use to mush up the brains before they
drained them out for embalming.
So I mentioned that microbes have all these important functions, and they've also
now, just over the past few years, been connected to
a whole range of different diseases, including
inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease, colon cancer, and even obesity. Obesity has a
really large effect, as it turns out,and today, we can tell whether you're lean
or obese with 90 percent accuracy by looking at the
microbes in your gut. Now, although that might sound impressive, in some ways it's
a little bit problematic as a medical test, because you can
probably tell which of these people is obese without knowing
anything about their gut microbes, but it turns out
that even if we sequence their complete genomes and had all their
human DNA, we could only predict which one was obese with about 60 percent
accuracy. So that's amazing, right? What it means that
the three pounds of microbes that you carry around with you may be more
important for some health conditions than every single
gene in your genome.
And then in mice, we can do a lot more. So in mice,
microbes have been linked to all kinds of additional conditions, including things
like multiple sclerosis, depression, autism, and again, obesity. But how can we
tell whether these microbial differences that correlate
with disease are cause or effect? Well, one thing we
can do is we can raise some mice without any
microbes of their own in a germ-free bubble.Then we can add in some microbes
that we think are important, and see what happens. When we take the
microbes from an obese mouse and transplant them into a genetically normal mouse that's been raised
in a bubble with no microbes of its own, it becomes fatter
than if it got them from a regular mouse. Why this happens
is absolutely amazing, though. Sometimes what's going on is that the microbes are helping them
digest food more efficiently from the same diet, so they're taking
more energy from their food, but other times, the microbes are actually affecting their
behavior. What they're doing is they're eating more than the normal mouse, so they only get
fat if we let them eat as much as they want.
So this is really remarkable, right? The implication is
that microbes can affect mammalian behavior. So you might be
wondering whether we can also do this sort of thing across species, and it turns out
that if you take microbes from an obese person and transplant
them into mice you've raised germ-free, those mice will
also become fatter than if they received the microbes from a lean person, but we can design
a microbial community that we inoculate them with that prevents them
from gaining this weight.
We can also do this for malnutrition. So in a project
funded by the Gates Foundation, what we're looking at is children in Malawi who have
kwashiorkor, a profound form of malnutrition, and mice that get
the kwashiorkor community transplanted into them lose 30 percent of
their body mass in just three weeks, but we can restore
their health by using the same peanut butter-based supplement that is used for
the children in the clinic, and the mice that receive the community from the healthy
identical twins of the kwashiorkor children do fine. This is truly
amazing because it suggests that we can pilot therapiesby trying them out in a
whole bunch of different mice with individual people's gut communities and perhaps tailor
those therapies all the way down to the individual level.
So I think it's really important that everyone has a chance to participate in
this discovery. So, a couple of years ago, we started this
project called American Gut, which allows you to claim a place for yourself on this microbial
map. This is now the largest crowd-funded science project that we
know of -- over 8,000 people have signed up at this point. What happens is,
they send in their samples, we sequence the DNA of their microbes and then release the
results back to them. We also release them, de-identified, to scientists, to
educators, to interested members of the general public, and so forth, so anyone can have
access to the data. On the other hand, when we do tours
of our lab at the BioFrontiers Institute, and we explain
that we use robots and lasers to look at poop, it turns out that
not everyone wants to know. (Laughter) But I'm guessing that many of you do, and so I brought
some kits here if you're interested in trying this out
for yourself.
So why might we want to do this? Well, it turns out
that microbes are not just important for finding out
where we are in terms of our health, but they can
actually cure disease. This is one of the newest things we've been able to visualize with colleagues at
the University of Minnesota. So here's that map of the human microbiome again. What we're looking
at now -- I'm going to add in the community of some people with C. diff. So, this is a
terrible form of diarrhea where you have to go up to 20 times a day, and these people
have failed antibiotic therapy for two years before they're
eligible for this trial. So what would happen if we transplanted some of the stool from a
healthy donor, that star down at the bottom, into these
patients. Would the good microbes do battle with the bad microbes and help to
restore their health? So let's watch exactly what happens there. Four of those
patients are about to get a transplant from that healthy
donor at the bottom, and what you can see is that immediately, you have this
radical change in the gut community. So one day after
you do that transplant, all those symptoms clear up, the diarrhea
vanishes, and they're essentially healthy again, coming to resemble the
donor's community, and they stay there. (Applause)
So we're just at the beginning of this discovery. We're just finding
out that microbes have implicationsfor all these different kinds of diseases, ranging from
inflammatory bowel disease to obesity, and perhaps even
autism and depression. What we need to do, though, is we need to develop
a kind of microbial GPS, where we don't just know where we are currently but also where we
want to go and what we need to do in order to get
there, and we need to be able to make this simple enough that even a child
can use it.
Robt Knight
Explores the unseen microbial world that exists
literally right under our noses — and everywhere else on (and in) our bodies.
@RdzgCarlos With a Creatve Commons Licence 4.0 International
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