excrement pill to treat intestinal infections
Research has already shown that
transplantation -excrement- stool is a beneficial treatment for intestinal
bacterial infections difficult to treat.

Studies have shown that stool may
restore the bacterial flora able to fight the bacteria.The problem so far has
been how to get the stool of a sick gut.
This donation "fresh"
excements is required, usually a family member, and to transplant the intestine
should be a probe into the jejunum or subjecting the patient to a colonoscopy.
Now researchers in the United
States and Israel found the solution in capsules frozen excrement.
preliminary trial with 20 people, and using stool volunteers showed that the
capsules were able to restore the intestinal bacterial balance and prevented
the recurrence of the infection of Clostridium difficile.
And, researchers say, were well
tolerated by the participants.
No recurrences
Bacteria C. difficile lives in
the intestine of many people without causing damage, along with hundreds of
bacterial species.
![]() |
C. difficile |
This leads to diarrhea that in
severe cases can be fatal.Antibiotics work in some patients.But many others
develop a chronic infection.
So the search for therapies that,
in addition to saving lives, can defeat the most infectious bacteria.
Careful selection
The study
included patients who had had three or more episodes of C. difficile appellant
and had not tolerated the probe into the jejunum.
Each participant received 15
capsules on two consecutive days.
In 14 of the 20 patients the
symptoms disappeared completely and suffered no recurrences in two months.
repeating the treatment, only two patients had episodes of diarrhea, according
to the study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Journal of
the American Medical Association).
The capsules, the scientists said,
they were made from feces
of four healthy volunteers who had been carefully selected.
Preliminary data
Researchers say it will now be
necessary to conduct further studies to confirm the results and long-term
Professor Elizabeth Hohmann,
Medical School of Harvard University, who led the study, said, "The
research provides preliminary data supporting the safety and efficacy of this
"More experienced and larger
studies are needed to determine its efficacy and safety in the long term."
The researchers stress that
therapy, although it may seem simple, it must be carried out under strict
supervision and warn the public that you should not try to replicate the
treatment at home.
Strict supervision
Dr. Ilan Youngster, Children's
Hospital Boston, who also participated in the study, said that "the use of
capsules greatly simplifies the procedure and makes it potentially accessible
to a larger population."
"But while we are trying to
make this more affordable therapy to patients is important to remind people of
the potential dangers of trying to" house blend "of using fecal
microbiota transplant material family members or friends."
"This procedure should only be
done under strict medical supervision with material from donors who have been
carefully selected."
As Dr. Trevir Lawley Institute
Wellcome Trust Sanger told the BBC in the UK, "the use of antibiotics can
upset the healthy intestinal ecosystem."
"The idea is to place
beneficial microbes and manually again."
"This is exciting because it
(the researchers) this therapy led to a capsule. And many scientists are now
working to ensure that we have the most effective combination of
BBC Health
Note: In Veterinary Medicine since 20 years ago, this practice is
common in poultry and swine
Carlos Rodriguez G.
Usan píldora de
excremento congelado para tratar infecciones intestinales
Sin recurrencias
Usan píldora de
excremento congelado para tratar infecciones intestinales
En particular, se
ha intentado como terapia para infecciones causadas por bacterias como la Clostridium difficile, que puede ser mortal y que a
menudo no se logra curar con antibióticos.
Los estudios han mostrado que la
materia fecal puede restaurar la flora bacteriana capaz de combatir a esta
El problema hasta ahora ha sido
cómo hacer llegar las heces al intestino de un enfermo.
Para ello se requiere una donación
de excementos "frescos", por lo general de un familiar, y para
trasplantarlos al intestino se debe introducir una sonda en el yeyuno o someter
al paciente a una colonoscopía.
Ahora investigadores en Estados
Unidos e Israel encontraron la solución en cápsulas de excremento congelado.
Un ensayo
preliminar realizado con 20 personas, y utilizando materia fecal de
voluntarios, mostró que las cápsulas lograron restaurar el equilibrio
bacteriano intestinal y evitaron la recurrencia de la infección deClostridium difficile.
Y además, afirman los
investigadores, fueron bien toleradas por los participantes.
Sin recurrencias
La bacteria C. difficile vive en el intestino de mucha gente
sin causar daño, junto con otros cientos de especies bacterianas.
Pero en ocasiones
se desequilibra la flora intestinal y la C. difficile se multiplica superando a sus
competidores y produciendo enormes cantidades de toxinas.
Esto conduce a diarreas que en los
casos más graves que pueden ser letales.
Los antibióticos funcionan en
algunos pacientes.
Pero muchos otros desarrollan una
infección crónica.
Por eso la búsqueda de terapias
que, además de salvar vidas, pueden derrotar a las bacterias más infecciosas.
Nota: En Medicina Veterinaria, desde hace veinte años se utiliza en aves y cerdos
Carlos Rodriguez G.
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