Nano-dressing Material

Field trail have shown that VitaVallis healed 4th degree burn in in 80 days were as conventional dressing may require 180 days.VitaVallis dressing has nanosized Positively charged alumina fibre which extracts negative electric charge Pathological bacteria from the wounds.It effectively removes microorganisms, including antibiotic resistant ones.
Million of surgical operations are performed annually.The death rate from sepsis induced by antibiotic resistant staphylococcus strains amounts to more than 80 % which is more than people dieing from stokes and heart attacks.Post-operative wound infections comprise 14–16 % of all hospital infections.77 % of deaths are caused by wound infections.What penicillin did to health care in 20th century, VitaVallis technology is about to the same by saving millions of lives around the world Vitavallis Nano-dressing Material heals better than antibiotics and even kills drug-resistant bacteria without antibiotics.
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